Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Man you Deserve

Dear Ladies, 
Fair maidens imagine a man. This man isn't any man though. He is the MAN! The manliest of mans. This manly man is not just any man. This manly man is your man. This man is unique because he is just for you. He's muscular, handsome, and smells like Old Spice. This man also seeks the Lord, takes care of his soul, and respects his body. This man makes you feel like a princess, because you are his princess. This man has SWAG because he is Someone Who Admires God. Imagine this manly man! This manly man is a mirror of who you can be! Nah you may not want to be muscular, handsome, and smell like Old Spice, but you can be someone who whole heartily seeks the Lord. Someone who takes care of her soul and respects her body. 
I'm not saying this to make you feel like crap but to encourage you. You can and deserve a man like that,and nothing less, but the man can't signal handily guide you to heaven. Raise the bar and meet him at the bar. Don't raise the bar and expect him to bring you up to it. This week pray for your future spouse, and make a list of what you want in your manly man. Then mirror those things in your life. Will you Take the Challenge? 

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